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Saturday 11 April 2015

5 mistakes brides make with their wedding shoes

Shoe expert, Charlotte Mills reveals how to get that perfect pair of wedding shoes – and how to add a little extra luck to proceedings! Be careful you don’t make any of these mistakes…

Going too high

Pick a pair of shoes at a heel height you would normally wear. If you go too high you may not be able to wear them all day.  Charlie & Simon-12

Not wearing them in

Don’t put your shoes on for the first time on the morning of your wedding. Wear them around the house on soft carpeted areas before the big day to break them in. CJE-0584

Going for cheapness over quality

Go for shoes which are well made. If you go for quality, your shoes should be soft, light and have lots of padding.   Haigh_0312_video-4

Buying a pair you can’t wear again

Choose a style which you can wear again. We take this into account when designing all our shoes. Brides should fall in love with their shoes and want to wear them again and again after their wedding day. 2013TRP_Gareth&Ellie003

Not getting a second pair

If you are worried about being in heels all day, it’s a great idea to pick up a fabulous flat pair, which you can change into to dance the night away. And you get two pairs of new shoes – what’s not to love about that!

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