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Wednesday 8 July 2015


What ever God created, he proclaimed good, he said that himself. if God gives you something then it is termed a blessing,  prov18:22 says that he who findeth a wife has found a good thing and will obtain favour, also God also termed the wife as a helper for the husband. But in today's marriages, most husbands prefer to shut out their wives and deny them the right to be a helper, she is not only here to help you wash clothes and keep the house tidy or take care of children, she is your companion in every way.

How do I know am shutting my wife out.

When you don't let her know what is bothering you; she keeps probing because she can sense something but you keep saying everything is fine.

When you don't let her know or get her opinion before you make a decision; you either feel she can never make a good decision or you feel its not important to let her know.

When things are happening in your family(her in laws) and you feel its not everything I discuss with my family that you should know. Agreed but mind you she will eventually hear later.

You are sick or depressed and she tries to help or do things for you but you keep acting like superman while you are sick,for godsake she vowed to be with you in your best and worst times, so why don't you let her in.
Sometimes you have to be weak to be strong, you have to be foolish to be wise, give her this much and see how she can positively impact your life.

How can I let my wife in.
Communication, always communicate, talk to her about everything, discuss what went on in the day, your highs and lows.

Two heads are better than one, that's why you are a Team. You put it in your CV that you are a great team player so why do you not team up with your wife to achieve better results in your home.

Let her take care of you, even bathe you when you are sick, it is her right stop saying you are hurts.

Show your weakness at times she will appreciate it and respect you more.

For the wives who have such husbands...pray and ask God to help, he gave you the husband in the first place he can always fix him.

When you are weak it doesn't make you less her husband, she loves you anyway, but if you keep pushing her out, you hurt her feelings.
Husbands allow your wives to fulfill their God given assignment to your life, we wives enjoy taking care of you, pleasing you, being there for you, and loving you, don't push us away for whatever reason.

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