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Sunday 17 May 2015

Make your man love you.


I just thought I would share this with you today, what every newly wedded wife should know and do.

Most marriages lack this and it destroys many new homes.
Wives, know that he is no longer your boyfriend, he has paid and will use any opportunity to remind you.
So if you want to win your husband's heart, show him RESPECT and don't expect it in return, surely he will give it to you.

Someone might ask how else can I do this, I try everything but he doesn't seem to understand.
Firstly know your husband: you should know everything about him
Play smart: use your knowledge of him to your advantage, hard workers don't earn big, smart workers do.

Practical Tips.
  1. When together with friends talk less and lend your support even when you don't like his opinion
  2. When visiting parents show them you love and respect them, don't be told to do something before you take the lead.
  3. Don't go on head to head hot arguments all the time, learn to accept some faults
  4. Don't out rightly tell him he was wrong instead tell him how he made you feel, learn to rephrase your sentences
  5. Don't ever abuse, insult or use insulting words when joking or playing.
  6. When serving his meal, use beautiful plates and cutlery, dont keep it until a visitor comes, no matter how small the food, always use a tray. 
  7. Always know how to massage his ego, every man has one
Try this tips, and others you already know, if you are in this situation, change and ask God for help.

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