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Monday 11 May 2015

Weird things to expect few weeks after your wedding.

Hello there!!! Are you recently married or you have been married for quite some time now and have experienced these feelings or are going through them right now, well i would like to pin point them.


There are quite some weird feelings that is to be expected

1. Most times after returning from work or an outing and you finally get home, it seems like you still have to go home(this happens to women that have strict upbringing where by you have to be home at a particular time) anyways it will pass and you will see your new home as your final destination
2. For most women that are free birds, you might feel caged, because in the traditional African setting you can't just go out and visit friends without Hubby's consent lol........ Well my advise is get used to it dude.
3. For the men, hmmmm they feel double caged, you now have a wife to come home to, so give up your Friday partying and late nights and go home to be with your wife!!!!!!!
4. Why do you feel like this environment is new, of course it is!! So adjust on time, and get into the new role, ADUST to the farting, snoring, smelly mouth, ugly early morning face etc..... Cos this is what you signed up for.
Keep glued to this blog and please we would love you to comment and tell us about your own weird feelings.

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